Manna Ko is an amazing speaker and trainer that has the unique ability to help you understand the root of the issue that is holding you back. She has a transparent style that is highly engaging, as she draws out of you exactly what you need to get the breakthrough you need in your life and to accomplish all that you desire. I would highly recommend Manna’s program to anyone who wants a breakthrough so that you can get to the next level in your personal and professional development. – Sherry W., Los Angeles, CA

I really enjoyed your classes and workshops. Learning from you is a great experience. The information you offer is extremely applicable for me at work and at home. Thank you also for the closing video you produced at the end of the event. It was so well done and I was very moved. Thank you for opening your heart to us all. – John K., San Francisco, CA

Dear Manna, thank you for the wonderful presentation you did for our company. It entered into me on a very deep level – powerful stuff. You are a warm, loving and wonderful person. Thank you also for our phone sessions in May. I recalled our telephone conversations on many occasions…what a comfort they were. Thank you for being there for me during such a difficult time. You are a very special and wonderful person!! – Karen N., Toronto, Canada

Hi Manna! I just wanted to drop you a note following an amazing weekend conference. Thank you for the elegance and intention by which you brought the event and its attendees together. The gathering was one of such a new octave!!! And by the end of the workshop, I felt a wholeness and hope that I have not felt with over 200 strangers ever! Thank you for listening to your heart and making it happen! – Connie F., San Diego, CA

Thank you for a life-changing weekend in Scotland. I am so glad I defied Storm Doris to get there! Dreams were conceived and The Lord brought Manna from heaven to feed and nourish these dreams. The Lord also used you as the Head Midwife to put in place the strategy we need to follow to take our dreams to term and at the appointed time, birth these dreams to His glory. I am still at a loss for words to describe our heavenly encounters…Thank you for what you have sown into each of our lives; things can never be the same again. Thank you for your obedience, thank you for your love, thank you for walking with us into this new season. Love and God’s blessings. – Emma E., Scotland

Dear Manna – Words cannot express my heartfelt gratitude to you. After listening to you speak, I found the courage to do some of the things I had always feared. I was impressed and touched by your boldness and unashamed excitement about talking about God. But you did so in front of a group of 500 people and you did it so eloquently, so meaningfully, and so poignantly. Everyone around my table and in the surrounding tables were very moved, and many of us had tears in our eyes. Thank you for getting us back on focus to what is truly important in our lives, and from this platform, we have a stronger foundation to build our future to help others. Yes, God bless you, Manna Ko!! – Becky M., Kansas City, MO

Manna – you are heaven sent indeed. Thank you again for the session. I was able to share so much with you, and now I know who makes the company look so good!! It’s YOU!! – Roy B., Washington, DC

Dear Manna, Thank you, thank you, thank you! I had a profound experience at your workshop session. I really feel like a new person. It’s difficult to explain, but I know that YOU KNOW what I mean! You, Manna, are a very special person. Thank you for being in my life. – Terry M., Thousand Oaks, CA

Manna – I wanted to say hi and thank you again for your time. This is a message of thanks to you and for your kindness during a year of real transition for me. The conversations and sessions have encouraged me a great deal and I thank you. My promise to you is that I will give back as much as I was given this year, in any way I can. When God made you, He broke the mold. – Ronald R., Tacoma, WA

Manna – your kindness is very touching and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness and wisdom. Even though it’s hard to make sense of my situation now. I hope I can turn this into something positive, and you helping me will do that. Thank you for reaching out to me. – Nancy B., New York, NY

Dear Manna, What a delightful surprise! I love the pictures and you were so sweet to remember to send them for us. You made a huge hit with the lecture you gave to my company! The format is great and it is going to be a huge success for me, and my team. Thank you SO much! – Barbara K., Atlanta, GA

Dear Manna, You are such and inspiration. Faith and attitude really can make a difference. I have a dear friend who often prays and the answers seem to come so easily for her, like they do for you. Maybe I just need more practice and patience. I started the program you taught since I would like to find completion and peace with my past relationship. Your counseling in this area is just what I need. Thanks again! Love to you! – Barbara I., Denver, CO

Dear Manna, thank you for obeying God’s calling to heal! You saved my life (literally) and you saved my marriage. I saw over 75 different practitioners, doctors, and have been admitted to numerous prestigious clinics. But in our first session, you already knew what was going on with me, and within the week, I was already feeling better than I have for years. You are such a gift! Thank you for your support, wisdom, expertise, and encouragement. I treasure you. God bless you, Manna. My life is so richly blessed with you in it! – Pam C., Carlsbad, CA

Dear Manna – I wanted to thank you for an extraordinary opportunity and event last week. Your event was exactly what I needed to rejuvenate a life changing teaching program I had authored nearly fifteen years ago and left sitting on the shelf!!! During the event I was very present to how big my life could be and was able to try on some new technologies that I had not been present to before. As a direct result of your work and your event, I have taken back how my life turns out and the contribution that I am. Each new day has become a joy filled with possibility and aliveness. Many blessing will come to you Manna for the giving of a gift that will truly alter hundreds of thousands of lives forever! – Kenie B., San Diego, CA

Thank you. You words are always timely and on point. You speak life, love and truth. I appreciate you and your team. – Melissa K., Stephens City, VA

So so blessed by you and your wise words. – Michele S., Lake Stevens, WA

Dear Manna – with such short notice, you really performed a miracle! We will never be able to tell you enough how much we appreciate your help and how much of a pleasure it was to work with someone as professional and as sincere as yourself. My staff and my family thank you. – Dr. and Mrs. M. Chang, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Manna – I love your caring heart and the attentive focus you’ve given to our company. You have been very successful in igniting our team spirit and helped us to rededicate our focus and vision again. Thank you! – Gerry M., San Diego, CA

Manna Ko!!!!!! You are great! And all the “stuff” you do is great! I love it all!! THANK YOU!!! – Helen W., Las Vegas, NV

Hi Manna, just wanted to say THANK YOU for the wonderful seminar you gave. Your hard work was evident throughout the entire workshop, and evident in all you do, whether it is at a workshop or in sessions. The weekend still resonates with me, and I can imagine it will for a long time to come. It was so great to meet you. You are a true burst of sunlight and a fountain of love and compassion! – F.D.C., Santa Barbara, CA

You have blessed me so with your prophetic daily words. I’m so glad that the Lord connected us. You are one of a kind and very rare and precious. The Lord created you for GREATNESS for the advancement of His kingdom. You steward your numerous giftings so well for the benefit of others. You amaze me and so many!! I love you. – C.L., Midlothian, VA

You minimized a stressful situation with a warm and caring manner. And you helped us to overcome our obstacles and to move forward in such graceful and easy ways. – Mr. and Mrs. Dominic P., Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Dearest Manna – I want you to know that you have been a source of strength for me and I will never forget it. I feel so blessed to have you in my world and am very grateful for your mentorship and friendship. My heart feels so good, Manna!! Thank you!!!!! – Deborah S., Seattle, WA

Hi Manna, You don’t know me yet, but I am from La Canada. Today, for the first time, I listened to your tape, “Dance Like No One is Watching”. It is my FAVORITE tape of all time. Your tape was so enjoyable and I absorbed it all as I was driving alone in my car. Your stories are so fun, and you just put yourself out there and that is so special. I was very touched and totally “GOT IT”. I often feel like I’m doing it all and not getting a lot back in return from people, but YOU GAVE ME SOMETHING SO GREAT today, and I am so happy for you and wish you a great life. Thanks for your love! – Jen L., La Canada, CA

Thanks so much for helping us keep everything in perspective by having so much clarity and focus yourself. You are terrific at what you do! – Dr. Rick G. and Dr. Ann S. Vancouver, B.C., Canada